ActiviTV was developed to bring entertainment and enrichment to residents in skilled and intermediate care nursing and assisted living facilities through guided exercise, music, comedy, art, and other unique programming. Life in these facilities doesn’t have to be boring. Bringing some life and laughter and an occasional tear to the eyes of these precious people is our goal. From waking up to the crowing of roosters and the rising sun through hourly condition-appropriate exercise segments, sing-a-longs, joke telling, birthday tributes, short talk shows, and biographies of residents with interesting life stories to the setting sun, constellations, and the night sounds of crickets and tree frogs, ActiviTV will be a game changer. Streaming to gathering areas and individual patient rooms, we hope to bring increased happiness and contentment and to be a force multiplier for activity departments across the country.
Our founder and CEO, Dr. Scott Keffer has been a medical director and attending physician in skilled and intermediate care nursing facilities since 1999 and sees the value of activity and entertainment in his patients’ lives.